Carmen Salerno Real Estate


Client Testimonials

See why Carmen's clients love working with him.


Christian D.

Carmen is a highly professional real estate agent working in both rentals and buying. He was able to negotiate our price down by $100/month plus get one month of rent-free. He’s always ready to take your call and is going to ba...
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Beloved & Favored

Carmen Salerno is very dedicated to helping his clients. My name is Edwina and I had Carmen as my agent. He truly helped me find my new place of residence. He is very dedicated to helping me find what I was looking for. Very he...
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Michael M.

Carmen is the best in the business! He helped with the purchase of our new home and got us a terrific deal. He worked endlessly to ensure we had all of the data, comps, and information necessary to make an informed offer and pu...
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Invest In Your Lifestyle

New Development Residences

Work With Carmen

Carmen's ambitious and goal-oriented approach to selling is a safety net for home sellers who seek to sell their homes in a short time and for the best price.